Dr. Glenn Lipson will have an opportunity to virtually participate in CDV Annual Conference, held by the government of Malta on June 1. The conference addresses the important topic of interpersonal domestic violence and gender-based violence.
According to data gathered by the World Health Organization, interpersonal violence worldwide is an affecting 30% of female population. Approximately 38% of the women that were murdered died at the hands of an intimate partner. (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2013/violence_against_women_20130620/en/)
“With the time change, I will be missing a fair amount of the conference. However, I am grateful for this opportunity to share what I have learned from many of my colleagues, survivors, and from my experiences addressing both risk management and prevention. Please find a copy of the program below. It is important to address these issues if we are going to avoid the transgenerational and gender-based transmission of violence and victimization.”
Link for the official website: https://meae.gov.mt/en/Commission%20on%20Domestic%20Violence/Pages/Events/PreventionIsNoInventionJustBeingSmart.aspx