I am proud to be the recipient of this award. This recognition, however, comes with the heartfelt desire to acknowledge the privilege of working together with others that made this attainment possible.
This journey began when I had the opportunity to present at the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Credentialing (NASDTEC). It was readily apparent that this community shared many of the same experiences of this expert, had struggled to understand the despicable actions of others, and are needing also to metabolize the unusual and troubling issues. We came up together to enable more effective risk management approaches. If we lessen the harm that’s committed, then the danger to self and others is mitigated. Working as multidisciplinary teams have been a fundamental aspect of my career; starting in earnest when I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Karl Menninger School of Behavioral Health Sciences and their practice psychiatric hospital. This work continued in the mid-90s working on the Stalking Case Assessment Team of the San Diego District Attorney. Today those efforts continue with those of us who are involved with the School Threat Assessment Team, once again convened by the San Diego District Attorney’s Office. My efforts to prevent sexual-harassment, sexual-misconduct, and suicide continue to be applied to schools and in the workplace. Based on my background, thus it was natural to want to bring stakeholders other stakeholders in NASDTEC that were also working towards securing public safety and to both assists in investigations and prevention. As a team there is a synergy, this arises from us sharing common goals. Thus, creating opportunities to collaborate has brought forth added value as we learned from each other.
This journey began when I had the opportunity to present at the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Credentialing (NASDTEC). It was readily apparent that this community shared many of the same experiences of this expert, they also had struggled to understand the despicable actions of others, sharing the need to metabolize or to digest the unusual and the troubling. Together as colleagues, we were enabling more effective risk management approaches. If we lessen the harm that’s committed, then the danger to self and others is mitigated.
Working as multidisciplinary teams have been a fundamental aspect of my career; starting in earnest when I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Karl Menninger School of Behavioral Health Sciences. This approach continued in the mid-90s when with others we were working on the Stalking Case Assessment Team of the San Diego District Attorney. Today those efforts continue with those of us who are involved with the School Threat Assessment Team, once again convened by the San Diego District Attorney’s Office. My efforts to prevent sexual-harassment, sexual-misconduct, and suicide continue to be applied to schools and in the workplace. Based on my experience and what I had learned from others, it was natural to want to bring to NASDTEC other stakeholders working towards securing public safety. As a team, there is a synergy, arising from the different ways we pursue common goals.
Thus, the Doug Bates Award reflects a great deal more about my colleagues from NASDTEC than this one team member. I am humbled and proud to have been selected to receive the NASDTEC Doug Bates Award. It is appropriate to honor the legacy of Doug Bates and his enduring contribution to education in the United States. Through this link, you can read about the award, and hopefully, recognize the commitment it took for this organization to support the actions of this subject matter expert who participates and brings in a different and at times challenging perspective. https://www.nasdtec.net/page/DougBates
At the bottom of the NASDTEC web page, you’ll find my acceptance speech from that luncheon held in mid-October when the award was presented. Thank you to those I have had the opportunity to work with, and note, I also look forward to working with others that share a dedication to both service and public safety.
The quote on the glass plaque reads: “Those who attain excellence commonly spend life in a focused pursuit, for excellence is not often granted in easier terms.” Excellence builds on the inspiration and support of others.
Thus, the Doug Bates Award reflects a great deal about my colleagues from NASDTEC. I am humbled and proud to be the recipient of the NASDTEC Doug Bates Award. It is appropriate to honor the namesake’s legacy and his enduring contribution to education in the United States. Through this link, you can read about the award, and
At the bottom of the web page, you’ll find my acceptance speech from that luncheon held in mid-October when the award was presented. Thank you to those I have had the opportunity to work with, and note, the I also look forward to working with others that share a dedication to both service and public safety.
The quote on the glass plaque reads: “Those who attain excellence commonly spend life in a focused pursuit, for excellence is not often granted in easier terms.” Excellence builds on the inspiration and support of others.