Glenn Lipson, PhD, forensic psychologist will be participating at a Town Hall Meeting, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM in San Barnardino.
With the recent active shooter incident that happened in San Bernardina, so close to home, many school districts and community colleges are asking for information on what to do if/when these incidents happen on their campus. Your want your students, employees, and communities to be safe and so do we.
Attendees will walk away with valuable resources such as protocols for assessing threats, tools on setting up an effective Emergency Operations Center (EOC), being prepared for an active shooter when you are in their line of fire, tips for how to approach the media and so much more. Furthermore, First Responders from San Bernardina City Unifies School District Police Department will share the protocols used when called to action in the recent tragic event.
Registration is required. Scan QR code or follow link to below to register:
Southern California Schools Joint Powers Authorities
Sponsored by the Learning Institute, Risk Management Training for Schools and California Schools Risk Management (CSRM)
Dr. Glenn Lipson PhD
January 20, 2016
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