Dr. Glenn Lipson has certain articles he shares as he has time to read them and decides to share, this one is from the AP dated November 5, 2015, it is about Kathleen Kane, embattled Pennsylvania prosecutor.
It was revealed that Kathleen Kane, facing criminal charges, relieved of her law license and threatened with removal by the Legislature, that the Pennsylvania’s attorney general seems to have decided that if she has to go, she’s going to take others down with her.
Since all three branches of state government began moving against her over the past year, Kathleen Kane has released hundreds of sexually explicit or otherwise crude emails that had been sent or received by current or former public officials on their government accounts.
The tangled scandal has led to the downfall of a state environmental secretary and shamed a state police commissioner, a Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice and several former top officials in the attorney general’s office. Another high-court justice resigned after newspapers disclosed his involvement.
Kane is threatening to release more, and the state Capitol is ablaze with speculation about whose emails may be next in the disclosures.
…Kane, 49, was a little-known former assistant county prosecutor when she was elected attorney general in a landslide in 2012, becoming the first woman and first Democrat to win the office. Democrats embraced her as a rising star. On the campaign trail, she promised to investigate why it took her Republican predecessors three years to charge Jerry Sandusky, the former Penn State assistant football coach convicted of sexually abusing boys, and whether politics played a role. Once Kane took office, a special appointee concluded that the Sandusky case had not been dragged out for political reasons. But the inquiry unearthed a trove of office emails containing porn and jokes about women and minorities that many found offensive. Kane’s criticism of the Sandusky prosecution also triggered a bitter feud with investigators who handled the case, and in 2014, authorities say, she leaked confidential grand jury information to the Philadelphia Daily News in an attempt to show that two of them had bungled a corruption investigation.
Kane was charged in August with obstruction, perjury and other offenses. No trial date has been set. As authorities began building the leak case against her, Kane started releasing chains of emails, saying the misconduct allegations against her were concocted by a corrupt old-boy network inside law enforcement to stop her from exposing their raunchy email ring. Her argument has gained traction with some.
On Oct. 1, as she left court in the leak case, she dropped another bombshell: The email scandal also involved U.S. attorneys, attorneys general and a Supreme Court justice who had voted along with the rest of the court just days earlier to suspend Kane’s law license. That justice is now being investigated for possible judicial misconduct.
By Glenn S Lipson, PhD
Nov. 6, 2015
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