In March of 2024, I had the privilege of participating on a panel at the American Academy of Psychology-Law Division of APA's annual conference hosted by one of my students. This panel was moderated …
U.S. Attorney Tara McGrath’s Excellence Award Granted to San Diego School Threat Assessment Team (STAT)
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, our San Diego County School Threat Assessment Team, led by our District Attorney's office, was honored and grateful to receive an Award of Excellence in The Pursuit of …
Vain Pride Proceeds a Fall – Blog by Dr. Glenn Lipson
In becoming a forensic psychologist, I remember one of the first lawyers I was working with suggested that I needed to pound my chest more in this case. This wasn’t courtroom guerrilla tactics, …
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ACE Detectives – Blog by Dr. Glenn Lipson
The mental health teams that worked in gathering the histories of felons to better predict and deter serious crimes often became Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) detectives. In death penalty cases, …
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“Hope Abandoned and Restored: Lessons from “Dr. Karl”” by Dr. Glenn Lipson
Dr. Karl Menninger was a pioneering psychiatrist in mental health. He would often plainly state that all treatment must begin with the proper balance of both hope and doubt. If a person has too much …
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If this, then that…
As a retained forensic psychology expert, I was writing a report to assist the court with a sentencing recommendation. Once again, I found myself meeting an individual who had sold his legal and …